A new breathing technique for you….
sAre You sitting comfortably…..now we,ll begin !
The Pranayama that we will discuss today is very effective in increasing your lung capacity.
It also helps in purifying your blood and rejuvenating the cells and tissues of the inner lining of your lungs.
Lung Strengthening Breath:
– Stand up without slouching and with your back straight.
– Keep your feet shoulder length apart.
– See to it that your body weight is equally distributed on both your feet.
– Put out your chest, keep your neck straight.
– Put your hands under your respective armpits with your fingers in the front and thumb at the back.
– Now, slowly but steadily take in a deep breath.
– Fill in your lungs to their full capacity.
– Now hold in your breath for as long as you comfortably can.
– Then when you have to exhale, press your rib-cage from the sides and start slowly exhaling.
– The exhaling motion should be done in installments. Press & exhale – stop – press & exhale – stop again, till you have completely exhaled.
– This completes one practice of this Pranayama.
– Perform 5 repetitions.
Stay Healthy,
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