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The modern-day lifestyle is too fast, too hectic, demanding and unrelenting on the body.
Our daily habits are the root cause of our increased stress levels, which further contribute to sleeplessness, poor diet, feeling of tiredness, lack of vigor and also lead to depression in many cases.
Today I will give you 3 recipes of Ayurvedic Tea’s.
Treat them as ‘Recharge Shots’, to replenish your body’s energy reservoir.
One each, depending upon the time of the day.
(Note: these are not ‘relaxing’ teas, so they might be a bit unpleasant to taste, but they work like a charm.)
#1. Morning Tea:
Boil 1 cup of water.
Add half teaspoon of fresh grated ginger, half tea spoon cinnamon powder and a pinch of cardamom powder to it.
Cover the cup/pot, turn off the heat and let it brew for 2 min.
Pass it through a sieve to remove the spices.
drink the tea slowly, in small sips.
#2. Noon Tea:
Boil 1 cup of water.
Add half teaspoon of Cumin seeds(whole, do not use powder), half teaspoon coriander seeds and half teaspoon fennel seeds to it.
Cover the cup/pot, turn off the heat and let it brew for 2 min.
Pass it through a sieve to remove the spices.
Sweeten the tea as per your taste with honey. (this step is optional)
drink the tea slowly, in small sips.
#3. Evening Tea:
Boil 1 cup of water.
Add half teaspoon fennel seeds, half teaspoon chamomile and a pinch of cinnamon powder to it.
Cover the cup/pot, turn off the heat and let it brew for 2 min.
Pass it through a sieve to remove the spices.
drink the tea slowly, in small sips.
Stay Healthy,
P.S.- My latest book is all done and released on amazon, will tell you about it on Monday.
Be on a lookout for my email.
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