2018. Here we come !
From: Nicky Milligan <nicky.milligan.healing@gmail.com>
Date: 18 November 2017 at 17:25:06 GMT
Subject: Fwd: Workshops 2018 !!!!
Coming next year….
Feb 18 Gathering at Old Pound Farm…2 PM onwards.Usual format.
March 18 Spring Cleaning time with Mandy Parker from Fairview Clinic.For those of you who don’t know Mandy..she runs The colonic clinic in Gloucester.There is a lot of new research about our gut health and Medicine is now looking at how important it is for us all.Mandy will be. Talking about this and has promised that she will not be doing any demos
Cost £30 which will be set against her fee for anyone who then attends the Clinic.
April 22 9.30 for 10 am start.”Lets keep Essential Oils Simple “with Jane Lawson Who runs The Natural Approach Biz.The day will cover working with Essential oils,dowsing our auras and working with our subtle bodies…and Even more ! Costs are £50 but this will include 20 essential oils ,5 simpleOils and a booklet of information.
May 26/27 Looking at Transits with Georgina SirrettArmstrong Smith.This will Be a closed weekend linked with the recent Astrology course.Georgina will be available for individual astrology readings on the 25/28 .
June 10 This day will be looking at The Fountain Group with Suzanne Thomas Who will be looking at how Fountain started and using the Fountain Meditation and also working with Gaia….and earth energies.11 /3 pm Cost £20
July 22 A day of Psychoexpansion….this is a very safe way of moving through Time and space.We will be exploring the history of Healing ( among otherThings !)Cost £30.please bring paper and pencils with you and any Item connected with healing work that is special to you.
Aug 11/12 Georgina will be looking at The Goddess Diana and how she links inWith All of us ….and Astrology….and her place in the pantheon of all GodsAnd Goddesses.This is an open weekend and includes those who havnt Done the Astrology course.cost £60 for the 2 days !
September 9 in times past we always had an annual picnic at the Chalice Well in Glastonbury…..I have been asked to reinstate it….but it needs Volunteer drivers….so please think about it ….and let me know if you would Be willing to volunteer.The day just has to end with a ( cream ?) tea in Glastonbury itself.
September 29/30 Georgina will be looking at Vesta this weekend….again an Open weekend.Cost £60
November 24/25 Georgina will be teaching about asteroids and the link with Lilith ,the dark Goddess ( very suitable for the time of year ! ) This will be A closed weekend.
December 9 Winter Gathering at the usual venue..2 PM
All sessions have bring and share lunches and run from 10/4 pm ish,unless otherwise stated.I will provide tea,herbal teas,coffee etc.
Georgina will be available for Astrology readings each weekend she is here…just contact me for details.
Please let me know that you are coming…..I,ve only had to cancel a workshop Once in 17 years…..but a couple of folks who hadn’t bothered to contact me had a very cold and wet wasted journey and day !!
You can call me…email me…or contact me via my website.