Update for 2020
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Begin forwarded message:
From: Nicky Milligan <nicky.milligan.healing@gmail.com>
Date: 31 December 2019 at 16:45:34 GMT
To: nicky milligan <nicky.milligan.healing@gmail.com>
2020 News and Workshops..and where by the way did 2019 vanish to ??
Feb 19 2 pm onwards..Imbolc Gathering…no charge.
March 7/8 Georgina will be back to continue investigating Goddess attributes linked with
Astrology among other things.This weekend its Persephone and Demeter…10 /4
4 pm ish …bring and share lunch…£30 each day.
March 29.the theme this year is all things Egypt…and this is a time travel Psychoexpansion
Day…following days will be looking at Egyptian incense and perfumes..and their
Astrology.There are 4 themed workshops in all…you don’t need to come to all of Them ,but it’s worth making the effort.10/4 ish,bring and share lunch,£30
April 18/19 Egyptian Gods and Godesses on Saturday,and Egyptian Astrology on the
Sunday…with Georgina.10/4 ish,Bring and share lunch…£30 each day.
May 3 Chakra workshop…with Nicky.This was requested and will be a great day…10/4
Bring and share lunch,£30
May 10 Beltane Gathering…..11 am we will explore Beltane energies £5,folllwed by bring
Share lunch and Beltane celebration…no charge for this
June 14 Egyptian perfumes and scents with Jane Lawson…she always gives brilliant
Workshops….Jane likes 8 people to attend …10/4-30 ish….£45 but everyone will
Be taking home something wonderfully perfumed in their hot little hands !Aug 1/2 Georgina returns to tell us about Poseidon and Sedna,10/4pm ish, bring and share
Lunch,£30 per day.
Aug 9 Lammas….11 am bring along any favourite gemstone,fossil,or artefact connected .
if possible with summer,and we will go travelling £5…..
followed by a bring and share lunch,and Lammas celebration.
Sept 13..the Mayan Calender…this will be a spectacular workshop….again with Georgina.
10/4 bring and share lunch,£30 .This is not one to miss !
Oct 11 Energy Medicine Update with Justine Johnson who is a well established and
Experienced practitioner in this field….she’s an old friend to our workshops!
10 /4 bring and share lunch £30
Nov 1 Samhain celebration..Choose a special candle to bring along…and an apple ! 11 am
£5 followed by a bring and share lunch and celebration.Dec 20 2 pm onwards..our regular Solstice Tea…I will provide tea,herbals etc and
please feel free to bring along necessary items such as chocolate biscuits etc….in
2019 Everyone brought 2 candles along which were individually lit from a peace
Flame and a Dali Llama blessed flame….we can do this again if people would like to.
There will be a Glastonbury Picnic in the summer…Helen and I are going to set it up…the date is not yet decided but if you would like to come along please let me know and we will get in touch in due course…we always start with a picnic in the Chalice Well Garden…come rain come shine…and then head for town…and possibly a cream tea…
There May be some extra items added into the year,but I will keep you updated about them.
Please let me know if you are coming….I,ve only had to cancel 3 workshops in 16 years or so,( actually it may be longer then that !)but winter weather can be tricky,and occasional flooding can be challenging as well.
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