Lets keep essential oils simple.
Thankyou Jane Lawson for a super day… Her approach was very informative and great fun as well.She also runs the Natural Approach School and Therapies….( mob 07904170384 if you want to find out more )
LETS KEEP ESSENTIAL OILS SIMPLE ……with Jane Lawson , who runs The Natural Approach Biz.We will be looking at essential oils,dowsing our auras,and working with our subtle bodies…..and other things as well ! Bring and share lunch, 9.30 for a 10 am start….deposit £20 please and the remaining £30 on the day.Contact me for any…
Read MoreSOS….
This weekends workshop….Spring Cleaning….has been cancelled owing to the awfull weather forecast ! The day has now been moved to October 21 st and will have the same format.(Spring Cleaning in the Autumn this time) Many apologies for this….but it’s only the second time I have cancelled anything in 17 years…..I have just had to…
Read MoreMarch 18……the next workshop in Minsterworth….
SPRING CLEANING TIME…..with Mandy Parker from Fairview Clinic. Mandy will be talking about the health of our gut biome….which medicine is now taking seriously….especially in the USA.Also looking at food intolerances and allergies and how such conditions might be helped or eased.You will meet Kombucha and Kefir products……and loads more ! There are only a…
Read MoreRequest for Absent Healing.
This is for Anabelle who lives near Cheltenham and has lymphoma….please join in the healing work.
This weekend saw the first meeting of the year…..a Gathering near Gloucester to mark Imbolc…..( a bit late I know !) It meant a very nice tea time feast of rather sinful foods,and of course some healthy ones as well.It was a very pleasant opportunity to meet up and talk and exchange news. Do watch…
Read MoreDates for your diary.
Hullo,this is just a reminder about my Gathering on Feb 18 from 2 pm onwards. It has the usual formula…..bring and share rather wicked cakes or biccies….there will be some here anyway and tea,herbals,or whatever.Its near to Imbolc so we can honour the coming of Spring and the increasing light by feasting ! Please let…
Read MoreYUKKY……
Thriva Newsletter | January 18th 2018 | Issue #6 View this email in your browser thriva_fatberg Hi Nicky, 2018 has started with a big BANG for Thriva. That bang was the sound of our fatberg hitting the Southbank! This week we commissioned for a giant fatberg to appear in London. Why? Well the fatberg represented…
Read MoreThought for the new year….
A king’s robe or an old blanket can keep you warm. A gold throne or the bare ground can be your seat. A grand palace or a mud hut can be your shelter. A jewelled plate or a wooden pot can hold your food. The external world does not destroy your inner peace, But your…
Read MoreFor today…..and tomorow….
You might meet with many obstacles in your life. But if you are a true practitioner, you will use them as training grounds of the path. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche
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